The Army is “all in” on the Department of Defense’s larger efforts to harness the power of artificial intelligence.
Speaking before an audience Aug. 22 at TechNet Augusta, Army CIO Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford said the Army is on board with the larger efforts the department is taking, such as building out the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center and crafting a DoD AI strategy.
DoD’s CIO, Dana Deasy, speaking Aug. 13 at the DoDIIS conference in Omaha, Nebraska, said DoD delivered its AI strategy to Congress, including the plan to stand up the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (an unclassified version of the strategy will be released later this year).
Deasy noted that the center will deliver new AI capabilities and concepts that will support the DoD’s missions and business functions. It will also bring traditional and nontraditional innovators together in a way that’s never been seen before, though Deasy did not provide many details.

For the Army’s part, Crawford said the service is beginning to get organized in this space. Top Army leadership is really driving toward getting the right talent in place, Crawford said, adding the service recognizes it doesn’t have the institutional talent resident in the Army.
In the next 90 days, the service will likely stand up an AI task force, Crawford said, to “get our minds around what are the specific skillsets that we’re going to need to be relevant and to drive in this environment that includes AI.”
Mark Pomerleau is a reporter for C4ISRNET, covering information warfare and cyberspace.