Army leaders say they are making progress in rebuilding the service’s electronic warfare capabilities through its ranks and its equipment. 5 years ago
The Army outlined what capabilities it wants for its defensive cyber operators. 6 years ago
The Army is beginning work on how to provide commanders a visual depiction of the invisible domains of warfare. 6 years ago
The Army is experimenting with new electronic warfare platoons. 6 years ago
Army Cyber Command is building cyber planning organizations within the staffs at Africa Command, Central Command and Northern Command. 6 years ago
The Army needs to make significant changes to formations and units to be successful in the information fight. 6 years ago
The Army is undergoing several force design updates to keep pace with adversaries. 6 years ago
New operating environments demand new capabilities. 7 years ago
One major electronic warfare program could be ready soon. 7 years ago
One Army leader looks at a way ISIS could "resurge." 7 years ago
The RCO is moving out beyond its initial three focus areas of EW, PNT and cyber. 7 years ago
The persistent cyber training environment may eventually be for more than cyber mission forces. 7 years ago
Working through the agile development process, the Army is not sure what the finial vision for the persistent cyber training environment will look like. 7 years ago
The Army is looking to acquire the right talent in the artificial intelligence sphere. 7 years ago
Col. Steve Rehn, the cyber capability manager for the Army Cyber Center of Excellence, shared his thoughts Aug. 22 during a presentation at TechNet Augusta. 7 years ago
The Army's main fighting force in the future could be smaller and more disaggregated. 7 years ago
Enemies have begun to recognize and develop strategies to attack a key weapon system. 7 years ago
The Army is being driven to move faster by pacing adversary threats. 7 years ago
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