Based on recent experiences in the Gaza strip, the Israeli Defense Forces have renewed their efforts to deploy an advanced UAS at the brigade level, according to a report in iHLS.

The "Protective Edge" operation in Gaza kept Israel;s Sky Rider UAS battalion busy, flying missions with the Elbit systems SkyLark 1LE, according to the report.

The 1LE is designed for data-gathering and target-spotting missions, and can carried in a backpack or on a vehicle until launch. It fly up to 50 kilometers and stay aloft for up to 3 hours.

The IDF has reportedly reactivated a plan that it had first started several years ago to procure a larger UAS than the Skylark, to be deployed by IDF brigades. According to iHLS, the envisioned system will be launched with a catapult and carry a "very advanced payload."

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