The Army has formally announced details for an upcoming industry day focused on tactical cloud computing.

The event, which will be co-hosted by Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications – Tactical and the Army’s network cross functional team, will take place in Raleigh, North Carolina Aug. 1 and 2. Army leaders have they expect the event will be similar to an industry day held in February.

According to a post on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the Army wants to leverage cloud capabilities within the tactical ecosystem and constrained into several categories:

  • Data Logistics
  • Infrastructure
  • Enterprise Service Architecture
  • Mission Partner Environment

These areas are affected by the current operational environment to include contested and congested environments, low bandwidth and spectrum denied, among others.

“Non-defense IT companies are highly encouraged to participate in this two-day forum,” Paul Mehney, director of public communications for PEO C3T, said in a notice. “These companies may already be providing innovative solutions to non-defense clients that the Army could integrate into a military environment. We also welcome their ideas as we formulate our approach on how to employ Cloud services in austere operational environments.”

Mark Pomerleau is a reporter for C4ISRNET, covering information warfare and cyberspace.

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