As effective as desktop virtualization is for increasing efficiency and reducing costs, it is not a simple prospect, and requires attention to many different details.
One of those details is data storage. In a virtual environment, overtaxing storage can cause latency and sluggish performance, according to a report at Organizations are using a few different technologies to address the need, notably including flash memory.
Special Event: Thomas Sasala, CTO of the Army's IT Agency, will discuss the challenges and lessons of establishing a virtual desktop environment within DoD during a special free webcast on March 10. Click here for more.
"Flash memory storage is the only technology that supports our [virtual desktop initiative] and enables low latency and fast throughput for applications that demand exceptionally fast performance," said General Services Administration CIO Sonny Hashmi, quoted in the article.
FedTech also cited the Indiana National Guard, which developed a hybrid of solid-state and disk storage for its own VDI program.