Lockheed Martin has used its Maritime Test Bed to demonstrate sensor intelligence in joint and maritime warfare.

The goal was to show how the test bed could improve sensing, data integration, targeting, electromagnetic support operations, and other areas identified as capability gaps by the Department of Defense, according to a Lockheed news release.

"Using data fusion, workflow automation, and electromagnetic visualization tools, the test bed ingested various types of simulated radar, communications and signals intelligence then depicted the emerging tactical situation," Lockheed said. "Mimicking sea and ashore naval environments, the test bed successfully expedited the entire intelligence cycle from the initial intercept of the signals through the sharing of a fused tactical picture across multiple naval platforms to combat identification which can be used directly by combat systems to determine an appropriate kinetic or non-kinetic response."

The Maritime Test Bed allows integration of classified information, which can then be stripped of sensitive data and shared with unclassified users through a cross-domain solution.

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