Let us help you sort through the buzz, hype and real productivity and opportunity around mobile access to tactical data! Dr. Joseph Fontanella, director of the U.S. Army Geospatial Center will join C4ISR & Networks Editor Barry Rosenberg at 1 p.m. for a free live webcast, with questions from the audience.

The military understandably emphasizes the need to disseminate voice, video and data to disadvantaged troops without access to high-bandwidth networks. There's a flip side to that requirement in that troops at lower tactical levels need the ability to collect data on their mobile devices and deliver it to higher echelons regardless of the platforms used by end users.

Fontanella will discuss the role of the Army Geospatial Center, and the need for two-way transfer of intelligence data that reaches down to lower tactical levels and up to higher echelons.

If you can't attend the webcast live, an archived version will be available for on-demand viewing. Click here to register.

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