The Air Force’s in-depth study on the future of electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum has not yet been briefed to the service’s leadership, but is already leading to incremental improvements.
In November 2017, the service announced an enterprise capability collaboration team to study EW and its integration with forces. The one-star general leading the effort told an audience at the annual Association of Old Crows symposium that he is already seeing changes at lower levels.

Specifically, the team has participated in exercises as a way to help shape the message of what the force of the future will need to be. In addition, Brig. Gen. David Gaedecke said that the team has been involved in planning and programming discussions to examine how the service will make investments in the future and understand that environment.
“What I’ve done is try to follow the chief [of staff’s] guidance with our team … to say, ‘what can we execute without having to ask the leadership,’” Gaedecke said Nov. 29.
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein, Gaedecke said, has told him that the Air Force needs options that it can execute and not another study.
The team is preparing to brief senior leaders on the results in mid-January.
“What I’m wrestling with most, and what I’m working through now, is what do I take forward to say can we do it and not just study it,” Gaedecke said. “That’s what I’m going to ask our leadership for.”
Mark Pomerleau is a reporter for C4ISRNET, covering information warfare and cyberspace.