The Army has released a draft request for proposals for a full and open competition for manpack radios. The draft RFP moves the Army toward full-rate production for the manpack radios, which are part of the Army's Handheld, Manpack and Small Form Fit (HMS) program.

The full and open competition is another step toward establishing an envisioned "radio marketplace" with vendors competing for delivery orders.

Resource: Read the draft RFP

"We are relying on our industry partners to help us simplify the network and make systems such as the manpack radio easier to use and more intuitive for Soldiers," said COL James P. Ross, project manager for tactical radios. "The radio marketplace gives all vendors the opportunity to participate, driving down costs and promoting continuous innovation."

Related: Army releases long-awaited Rifleman RFP

The Army has been authorized to purchase up to 60,296 manpack radios through 2032.

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